Resolving the Frustrating “Unable to Fetch TypeInformation” Error in Iceberg’s FlinkSink
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Resolving the Frustrating “Unable to Fetch TypeInformation” Error in Iceberg’s FlinkSink

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Are you tired of encountering the infamous “Unable to fetch the TypeInformation of this” error when using Iceberg’s FlinkSink in your streaming pipeline? You’re not alone! This error has been a thorn in the side of many a data engineer, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the depths of this issue and emerge victorious on the other side.

Understanding the Error

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what this error is trying to tell us. The “Unable to fetch TypeInformation” error occurs when the FlinkSink is unable to determine the type of data being written to the Iceberg table. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, including:

  • Incompatible data types
  • Missing or incorrect type hints
  • Incorrect Flink configuration
  • Iceberg table schema mismatches

In this article, we’ll explore each of these potential causes and provide practical solutions to overcome them.

Step 1: Verify Data Types and Type Hints

The first step in resolving this error is to ensure that the data types being written to the Iceberg table are compatible with the table’s schema. Review your Flink pipeline and verify that the data types of your streams match the column types in the Iceberg table.

// Example Flink code
DataStream<MyPojo> myStream = ...
  .addSink(new FlinkSink<>(myIcebergTable))

In the above example, the `MyPojo` class should have the same fields as the Iceberg table, and the data types of those fields should match the column types in the table.

If your data types don’t match, update your Flink pipeline to convert the data types to match the Iceberg table schema. You can use Flink’s built-in `map()` function to perform the data type conversions.

// Example Flink code
DataStream<MyPojo> myStream = ...
  .map(new MapFunction<MyPojo, MyPojo>() {
    public MyPojo map(MyPojo value) {
      // Perform data type conversions here
      return value;
  .addSink(new FlinkSink<>(myIcebergTable))

Type hints are another crucial aspect to consider. Ensure that you’re providing accurate type hints to Flink, especially when working with complex data types like lists or maps. You can use Flink’s `TypeInformation` class to provide explicit type hints.

// Example Flink code
TypeInformation<MyPojo> typeInfo = TypeInformation.of(MyPojo.class);
DataStream<MyPojo> myStream = ...
  .addSink(new FlinkSink<>(myIcebergTable))

Flink’s configuration can also play a role in the “Unable to fetch TypeInformation” error. Ensure that you’re using the correct Flink version and that you’ve configured the Flink-Iceberg integration correctly.

Check your Flink version by running the following command:

flink --version

Make sure you’re using a compatible version of Flink with the Iceberg Flink connector. You can check the compatibility matrix on the Iceberg website.

Next, verify that you’ve configured the Flink-Iceberg integration correctly. Check your `flink-conf.yaml` file and ensure that the `flink-iceberg` connector is enabled.

// flink-conf.yaml
  - flink-iceberg

Step 3: Review Iceberg Table Schema

The Iceberg table schema can also cause issues with the FlinkSink. Review your Iceberg table schema and ensure that it matches the data types being written to it.

// Iceberg table schema
CREATE TABLE my_iceberg_table (
  id INT,
  name STRING,
) USING iceberg;

In the above example, the Iceberg table schema has three columns: `id` of type `INT`, `name` of type `STRING`, and `data` of type `MAP<STRING, STRING>`. Verify that the data types being written to this table match the column types.

Step 4: Debug FlinkSink Configuration

If you’ve verified the above steps and the error persists, it’s time to debug the FlinkSink configuration. Enable debug logging for the FlinkSink to get more insights into what’s going on.

// Flink code
DataStream<MyPojo> myStream = ...
  .addSink(new FlinkSink<>(myIcebergTable, new MyFlinkSinkConfig()))

// MyFlinkSinkConfig class
public class MyFlinkSinkConfig extends FlinkSinkConfig {
  public void configureSink(Sink<?> sink) {
    ((FlinkSink<?>) sink).enableDebugLogging();

This will enable debug logging for the FlinkSink, which can help you identify the root cause of the error.


In this article, we’ve explored the “Unable to fetch TypeInformation” error in Iceberg’s FlinkSink and provided a step-by-step guide to resolving it. By verifying data types and type hints, configuring Flink correctly, reviewing the Iceberg table schema, and debugging the FlinkSink configuration, you should be able to overcome this frustrating error and successfully write data to your Iceberg table using the FlinkSink.

Step Description
1 Verify data types and type hints
2 Configure Flink correctly
3 Review Iceberg table schema
4 Debug FlinkSink configuration

Remember, the “Unable to fetch TypeInformation” error is usually a sign of a mismatch between the data types being written to the Iceberg table and the table’s schema. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the underlying issue.

Happy debugging!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with the infamous “Unable to fetch the TypeInformation of this” error when using Iceberg’s FlinkSink in Iceberg stream sink? Worry not, friend! We’ve got you covered. Check out these FAQs to get your issues resolved in a jiffy!

What does the “Unable to fetch the TypeInformation of this” error mean?

This error usually occurs when there’s a mismatch between the Flink’s type system and the Iceberg’s type system. It can also happen when the Flink program is not able to infer the type information from the WriteResult object.

How can I resolve the “Unable to fetch the TypeInformation of this” error?

To resolve this error, you need to explicitly specify the type information of the WriteResult object. You can do this by using the `TypeInformation.of()` method and passing the correct type class as an argument.

Can I use the `RowTypeInfo` to specify the type information of the WriteResult object?

No, you cannot use the `RowTypeInfo` to specify the type information of the WriteResult object. Instead, you need to use the `TypeInformation.of(WriteResult.class)` to specify the correct type information.

What if I’m still facing issues after specifying the type information correctly?

If you’re still facing issues, it’s possible that there’s a mismatch between the Flink and Iceberg versions. Make sure you’re using compatible versions of Flink and Iceberg. You can also try checking the Flink and Iceberg documentation for any known issues or limitations.

Is there a workaround to avoid this error altogether?

Yes, one workaround is to use the `SimpleVersionedSerializer` to serialize the WriteResult object before writing it to the Iceberg sink. This can help avoid the type information mismatch issue altogether.