Sending Traceability Logs to a Different File Than the Default Keycloak Log File
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Sending Traceability Logs to a Different File Than the Default Keycloak Log File

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Are you tired of digging through the default Keycloak log file to find the traceability logs you need? Do you want to keep your logs organized and separate from the rest of the Keycloak log entries? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to send traceability logs to a different file than the default Keycloak log file. It’s easier than you think, and we’ll guide you through the process step-by-step.

Why Send Traceability Logs to a Different File?

Before we dive into the how-to, let’s talk about why sending traceability logs to a different file is a good idea.

  • Organization**: Keeping your traceability logs separate from the default Keycloak log file helps keep your logs organized and easy to find. No more scrolling through hundreds of lines of log entries to find the information you need.
  • Security**: By sending traceability logs to a different file, you can restrict access to sensitive information and comply with security regulations. You can set permissions and access controls on the separate log file to ensure only authorized personnel can view it.
  • Analyzing and Reporting**: Having a separate log file for traceability logs makes it easier to analyze and report on this data. You can use log analysis tools and software to extract insights and trends from your traceability logs without having to filter out other log entries.


Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • Keycloak 10.0 or later installed and configured
  • A basic understanding of Keycloak logging and configuration
  • A text editor or IDE (we’ll use Visual Studio Code in our examples)

Step 1: Create a New Log Appender

In Keycloak, log appenders are responsible for writing log entries to a file. To send traceability logs to a different file, we need to create a new log appender.

  - type: file
    filename: traceability.log
    append: true
    formatter: DEFAULT

In the above code, we’re creating a new log appender that writes log entries to a file named `traceability.log`. The `append` parameter is set to `true`, which means that new log entries will be appended to the end of the file. The `formatter` parameter is set to `DEFAULT`, which uses the default log formatter.

Adding the New Log Appender to the Keycloak Configuration

To add the new log appender to the Keycloak configuration, you’ll need to update the `keycloak.json` file.

cd /path/to/keycloak
vi keycloak.json

Add the following code to the `keycloak.json` file:

  "log": {
    "appenders": [
        "type": "file",
        "filename": "traceability.log",
        "append": true,
        "formatter": "DEFAULT"

Step 2: Configure the Log Logger

In Keycloak, log loggers are responsible for filtering log entries based on their level and category. To send traceability logs to the new log appender, we need to configure the log logger.

Create a new file called `log4j2.xml` in the `keycloak/conf` directory:

cd /path/to/keycloak/conf
vi log4j2.xml

Add the following code to the `log4j2.xml` file:

    <File name="TRACEABILITY" fileName="traceability.log">
      <PatternLayout pattern="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>
    <logger name="" level="TRACE">
      <appender-ref ref="TRACEABILITY"/>

In the above code, we’re configuring the log logger to filter log entries with the level `TRACE` and category ``. These log entries will be sent to the new log appender we created in Step 1.

Step 3: Restart Keycloak

After updating the `keycloak.json` and `log4j2.xml` files, restart Keycloak to apply the changes:

systemctl restart keycloak

Verifying the Setup

To verify that the setup is working correctly, check the `traceability.log` file for new log entries:

tail -f traceability.log

You should see traceability logs being written to the file in real-time.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re not seeing log entries in the `traceability.log` file, check the following:

  • Make sure the `keycloak.json` and `log4j2.xml` files are correctly updated and saved.
  • Verify that the `traceability.log` file has the correct permissions and access controls.
  • Check the Keycloak logs for any errors or warnings related to the log appender or logger configuration.


Sending traceability logs to a different file than the default Keycloak log file is a simple yet powerful way to keep your logs organized and secure. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a separate log file for traceability logs and configure Keycloak to write log entries to it.

Remember to regularly review and analyze your traceability logs to identify trends, detect security threats, and optimize your system for better performance.

Happy logging!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get the most out of Keycloak’s logging capabilities with these frequently asked questions about sending traceability logs to a different file than the default log file!

Q1: Why would I want to send traceability logs to a different file?

Sending traceability logs to a separate file can help you to better organize your log data, making it easier to analyze and troubleshoot issues specific to authentication and authorization. This approach also allows you to implement custom log retention and rotation policies for these critical logs.

Q2: How do I configure Keycloak to send traceability logs to a different file?

To send traceability logs to a separate file, you’ll need to update the Keycloak logging configuration. You can do this by adding a custom logger to the `standalone.xml` or `domain.xml` file, depending on your Keycloak deployment. For example, you can add a logger with the name `TRACEABILITY_LOGGER` and set its file handler to a specific log file, such as `traceability.log`.

Q3: Can I customize the format of the traceability logs?

Yes, you can customize the format of the traceability logs by using a custom formatter in your logging configuration. For example, you can use a JSON formatter to output logs in JSON format, making it easier to parse and analyze the log data. You can also use a custom formatter to include or exclude specific log fields, depending on your requirements.

Q4: Will sending traceability logs to a different file impact Keycloak performance?

Sending traceability logs to a separate file should not significantly impact Keycloak performance, as logging is an asynchronous process. However, you may need to consider the additional disk space and I/O operations required to write logs to a separate file. To minimize any potential impact, make sure to configure your logging settings appropriately, such as setting a reasonable log rotation and retention policy.

Q5: Are there any security implications to consider when sending traceability logs to a different file?

When sending traceability logs to a separate file, make sure to consider the security implications of storing sensitive log data. Ensure that the log file is properly secured, with restricted access and encryption, to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. Additionally, regularly review and rotate your logs to minimize the risk of data breaches.

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