Solved: Next.js 14 Overwrites My Favicon When Deployed to Vercel
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Solved: Next.js 14 Overwrites My Favicon When Deployed to Vercel

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Are you frustrated with Next.js 14 overwriting your favicon when deploying to Vercel? You’re not alone! This annoying issue has been plaguing developers for quite some time now. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got a comprehensive solution to share with you. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to retain your beloved favicon even after deploying to Vercel.

What’s Causing the Favicon Overwrite?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly understand why this issue occurs in the first place. Next.js 14 has a built-in favicon feature that allows you to specify a favicon in your `next.config.js` file. When you deploy your Next.js app to Vercel, the platform automatically generates a favicon based on the `favicon` property in your `next.config.js` file.

This might seem convenient, but it can lead to unexpected behavior, especially if you’ve customized your favicon or have existing favicon files in your project. In this case, Next.js 14 will overwrite your custom favicon with its own default favicon, much to your dismay.

Solution 1: Using the `favicon` Property in `next.config.js`

The easiest way to retain your custom favicon is to specify it in the `favicon` property of your `next.config.js` file. Here’s an example:

module.exports = {
  //... other configurations ...
  favicon: './public/favicon.ico', // path to your custom favicon

In this example, we’re telling Next.js 14 to use our custom favicon located in the `public` directory. Make sure to update the path to match your favicon’s location.

However, this solution has a limitation. If you’re using a custom favicon with a different file format (e.g., `.png`, `.gif`, or `.svg`), you might encounter issues. Next.js 14 requires a `.ico` file for the favicon, so if you’re using a different format, you’ll need to convert it to `.ico` or use a different approach.

Solution 2: Using a Custom `favicon.ico` File

If you’re using a custom favicon with a different file format, or if you want more control over your favicon, you can create a custom `favicon.ico` file and add it to your `public` directory.

Here’s an example of how you can do this:

Step 1: Convert Your Favicon to `.ico` Format

Use an online tool or a software like GIMP to convert your favicon to `.ico` format. Make sure to save the file as `favicon.ico`.

Step 2: Add the `favicon.ico` File to Your `public` Directory

Place the `favicon.ico` file in the root of your `public` directory. This will allow your favicon to be served directly by Vercel, bypassing Next.js 14’s favicon feature.

Here’s an example of what your `public` directory structure might look like:


By adding the `favicon.ico` file to your `public` directory, you’re telling Vercel to serve this file as the favicon, rather than relying on Next.js 14’s default favicon.

Solution 3: Using a Custom Route for Your Favicon

If you want even more control over your favicon, you can create a custom route for it using Next.js 14’s built-in routing feature.

Here’s an example of how you can do this:

import NextImage from 'next/image';

export default function Favicon() {
  return (

export const getStaticProps = async () => {
  return {
    props: {},

In this example, we’re creating a custom `Favicon` component that serves the `favicon.ico` file from our `public` directory. We’re using Next.js 14’s built-in `NextImage` component to render the favicon, and we’re specifying the `src`, `width`, `height`, and `alt` attributes.

Next, we need to add a custom route for the favicon in our `next.config.js` file:

module.exports = {
  //... other configurations ...
  async rewrites() {
    return [
        source: '/favicon.ico',
        destination: '/favicon',

In this example, we’re creating a custom rewrite rule that routes requests to `/favicon.ico` to our custom `Favicon` component.


There you have it, folks! Three solutions to help you retain your custom favicon when deploying to Vercel with Next.js 14. Whether you choose to use the `favicon` property, a custom `favicon.ico` file, or a custom route, you’re now equipped to overcome this pesky issue and showcase your brand’s identity with pride.

Remember to test your favicon implementation thoroughly to ensure it’s working as expected across different devices and browsers.

Bonus Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you make the most of your favicon:

  • Use a favicon generator tool to create a favicon that’s optimized for different devices and browsers.

  • Ensure your favicon is in the correct format (`.ico`) and size (usually 32×32 pixels).

  • Test your favicon on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.

  • Consider adding a separate favicon for dark mode or high-contrast mode to ensure your favicon looks great in different environments.

Solution Advantages Disadvantages
Using the `favicon` property Easy to implement, works with `.ico` files Limited to `.ico` files, might not work with custom favicon formats
Using a custom `favicon.ico` file More control over favicon, works with different formats Requires manual conversion to `.ico` format
Using a custom route Full control over favicon, works with any format Requires more code and configuration

We hope this article has helped you overcome the frustration of Next.js 14 overwriting your favicon when deploying to Vercel. Happy coding, and don’t forget to show off your brand’s identity with pride!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with Next.js 14 overwriting your favicon when deployed to Vercel? You’re not alone! We’ve got the answers to the most pressing questions.

What’s going on with my favicon? Why is Next.js 14 overriding it?

By default, Next.js 14 generates a favicon in the `public` directory, which can override your custom favicon. This is because Next.js uses a default `favicon.ico` file in its `public` directory, which gets higher precedence than your custom favicon.

How can I stop Next.js 14 from overwriting my favicon?

To prevent Next.js 14 from overwriting your favicon, you can create a custom `next.config.js` file and set the `favicon` option to `false`. This will disable the default favicon generation. You can then add your custom favicon to the `public` directory.

What if I’m using a custom favicon in a subdirectory?

If you’re using a custom favicon in a subdirectory (e.g., `public/icons/favicon.ico`), you can update your `next.config.js` file to include the `favicon` option with the correct path. For example: `favicon: ‘public/icons/favicon.ico’`. This will tell Next.js to use your custom favicon instead of the default one.

Does this issue occur on other platforms besides Vercel?

No, this issue is specific to Vercel due to how it handles static files. On other platforms, such as Netlify or GitHub Pages, Next.js 14 should not override your custom favicon.

Where can I find more information about Next.js 14 and favicon customization?

You can find more information about Next.js 14 and favicon customization in the official Next.js documentation, as well as the Vercel documentation. Additionally, you can check out online forums and communities, such as GitHub issues or Stack Overflow, for more discussion and solutions related to favicon customization.

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